Featured,  Midlife

Being kind and more accepting in midlife

One of the benefits of getting older is you can see through people. Yet, we also respect more women because, like ourselves, we know they have a past. 

Before assuming a women’s story remember there could be a background.

The woman who is in shape, you see as vain, but what she is doing is stress relief. 

The heavy woman is lazy, yet she lost two babies in the past two years and is struggling to get back to life.

The strong-willed woman must be heartless, yet she has to work every day to provide for her family, who she adores. 

The woman who cowers is weak. Maybe at some point, she was treated poorly and doing her best to get back to trust. She is more robust than you assume. 

If she is single, she can’t hold a man. She is single because of her past relationship and how lonely he made her feel. It is easier to be alone.

If she is married, she is dependent on someone. She may just have the love of her life, and she chooses to be happy. 

If she drives a beater car, she is poor. She is driving what she can with no car payment, unlike the ”affluent” counterpart who is still paying on theirs.

She looks worn out and tired. She doesn’t sleep because of her hours and taking care of her family.

I think most people work hard, just because they work at something different than you doesn’t make you harder working. Our priorities are all different. 

Be kind ladies, you never know which will be reciprocated. It maybe kindness or prejudgment. I would choose kindness. 

Have you learned something about someone you pre-judged harshly that changed your opinion? 


  • Laura Burns

    Oh gosh – you are right on about this!!! I am also 50-something. I’ve leaned that I judge myself so harshly that when I was younger I would judge others just to make myself feel better. Although I didn’t realize it at the time. What a shame. It took many years of life experience to realize that all those women that I judged were also judging themselves – and far more severely than I judged them. Somewhere in my late 30’s I started to realize this. I gave grace to others far more easily than to myself. Interesting isn’t it? Fast forward to my 40’s and I started offering some grace to myself too. I didn’t always accept it but I tried. Decades in the making – as I am now in my 50’s – this life long lesson is starting to sink in. Just be kind. To yourself and to others. We all have our own journeys and they are rarely what you see presented to the outside world. Most of us hold those cards pretty close to our chest; so that no one can see exactly what we have been dealt. Ladies – make your next move carefully – with kindness, dignity and respect.

  • Kim Nixon

    I love this. I’m lucky to have always thought this way. I wish more people would!!

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