All about asses after 50
Do you notice as you approach midlife, much of it revolves around asses? It could be your ass is too big, maybe it is flat (sometimes that is worse than too big). There could be times you have a big ass in your life personally or at work.
The trick here is how do you deal with your asses in your life. You can exercise to make them smaller and more shapely. Some times that helps as well with the ones in your life by reducing stress. Either way, exercise can make all of them less prominent in our life.
Gardening may help as well. All that squatting is bound to lift and shape. For the asses in your life, having a spade in hand is a good deterrent for better behavior or maybe to create a spare hole.
Running is another option for decreasing the size of the asses in your life. A few miles each week is bound to reduce the size. Again for the physical person that is an ass, running away can be a fast, easy option.
After 50, many of us are dealing with many half asses—coworkers who do their job half ass. People we hire for improvements around our house or even our kids may finish a chore half ass. You are not alone half asses are almost as big as whole ones.
There is a point in life where we realize people talk out of their ass. They try to speak like they know everything, but really don’t have a clue. These are easy to get rid of you can politely walk away.
My dogs can be asses, as well. I call them lard ass. They are minor asses in my life, maybe a chewed tennis shoe or small trouble. These are the easiest ones to handle.
Also, many of us have experienced jackasses in our long lives. Not to be confused with the picture above, he is just plain cute (photo credit Carolyn Freyburgher). Jackasses are usually minor more an annoyance of sorts. A driver that doesn’t use a turn signal, people that don’t put their grocery cart in the corral, people who stop in the middle of the grocery aisle. Minor inconvenience but these are jackasses.
Dumb asses also come about at this point in midlife. In our twenties, there was more tolerance for this group, now not so much. These are ones that cause you to roll your eyes.
Whichever type you deal with, they walk along side of us and behind us. Asses are part of our daily life.
What is your favorite or not so favorite ass?
P.S. This is very tongue and cheek, don’t be offended. All in fun.
Cheryl Beyer
You are a riot! And spot on. Thanks for the laugh and good read:)
Teresa Hanish
Haha so glad you liked it🤪
rachel worthington
Omg this is awesome!!!🤣🤣🤣
Teresa Hanish
Thanks it was a fun one to write
Loved the variety of asses out there in the world. My favorite is a dumb ass, not that I have any right to refer to anyone as dumb but it seems to just pop out now and then. Great writing Teresa!
Teresa Hanish
Thanks for the support. Definitely just meant for fun and mental therapy for myself😀❤️
Ken McHugh
Thanks, I enjoyed this very much, can’t wait to get back in the gym. Hopefully I can make it look like I have an ass 😉
Teresa Hanish
So glad you enjoyed, I will keep adding with time. Still trying to know what I am doing 😀