• Midlife

    I’m 50, It took me forever to get here and I won’t apologize.

    Many days I see different social media. It is pretty easy to find in many posts regarding mom, fashion and beauty, fitness, mental health, food and creative/author bloggers. I have to wade through negative political posts to find the ones relevant to me, a woman over fifty. I am struck by the fact that there is no easy way to find all the information I am looking for in one place and what is relevant to me. Crazy if you search over 40 or 50 you find dating sites and weight loss at the top of the search engines. I know most of my friends are into far more than…

  • asses, midlife, antics

    All about asses after 50

    Do you notice as you approach midlife, much of it revolves around asses? It could be your ass is too big, maybe it is flat (sometimes that is worse than too big). There could be times you have a big ass in your life personally or at work. The trick here is how do you deal with your asses in your life. You can exercise to make them smaller and more shapely. Some times that helps as well with the ones in your life by reducing stress. Either way, exercise can make all of them less prominent in our life. Gardening may help as well. All that squatting is bound…